Youtube video collections of motivational speakers, professional trainers, inspirational and motivational videos. Video course and learning materials from training seminars from famous personal development coaches around the world.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Business Networking in Five Minutes or Less founder David Riklan interviews Dr. Ivan Misner, Founder and Chairman of BNI, the largest Business Networking organization in the world.
David and Dr. Misner discuss the importance of business networking and steps you can take today to begin building a powerful business network.
Visit for hundreds of free videos, experts, articles, and websites dedicated to business networking.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Diet Pros Dish Their Secrets
What do nutritionists and other slim-down experts do to keep their own bodies lean and mean? Most of them eat only what they need — and limit their indulgences. by Kristyn Kusek
Time-limit your sweets.
"I love ice cream and sweets, but I know that if I start eating them in the afternoon, I'll eat them all day. To limit my intake, I allow myself to have sweets only after dinner."
— Barbara Gollman, R.D., author of "The Phytopia Cookbook"
Leave leftovers.
"I leave three or four bites on my plate at every meal, which, for a day's worth of food, saves about 300 calories. If you're an average-size woman and you eat this way for a year, you can lose as many as 15 pounds."
— Jackie Berning, Ph.D., R.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Eat more meals.
"I've had to modify my calorie intake over the years to match the natural slowing of my metabolism, but I've never deprived myself of the foods I love — I've just learned to eat smaller portions. Eating frequent, smaller meals throughout the day actually helps you burn more calories, as it keeps your metabolism revved up and running around the clock. Instead of skipping breakfast and sitting down to an old-fashioned meat-and-potatoes dinner that might be fine for a 20-year-old or a marathon runner, you should aim to eat three small balanced meals and two snacks daily."
— Denise Austin, host of Lifetime Television's "Denise Austin's Fit & Lite" and "Denise Austin's Daily Workout," from Fit and Fabulous After 40"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Health talk.. Super Juice
We're not talking juiced like Alex Rodriguez. The product is called MonaVie and it's Acai Berry.
Dr. Mike appeared on "Good Day Philadelphia" Thursday to talk about the benefits of MonaVie.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Steve Siebold addresses 8,000 executives at World Financial Convention in Los Angeles Video
This website has over 70 hours of video training on the art and business of being a professional speaker.
This is some of the best information I've seen about professional speaking...
Watch this video to get the full story.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tips for marketing on Youtube
Youtube is the largest video sharing site to date, with the most traffic and the highest amount of users on it making Youtube the definitive place for getting your videos published and marketed on. I have put together a guide on Youtube marketing for videos and I think you all will get a lot out of this.
There are going to be a lot of tools Youtube has created for marketing your video. I will share them with you along with some other techniques we use.
- 1. On videos there is a share option. You can share by email address or with friends you have attached to your account. Remember the more friends you have the more people you can send to. Also you can leverage social media sites when you try to share as well.
2. Bulletin Boards: By posting a message this video will be displayed to all of your friends on your profile.
3. Invite to subscribe: This feature is available in your account once you request a friend invite.
4. Add friends: Adding friends is a powerful way to gain exposure on Youtube.
5. Make sure your video appeals to the community
6. Sharing videos with email: We like to go viral with our marketing campaigns for videos. Send videos out to your friends and family with a link to the video and an encouragement to share it.
7. Use Submit the video to and then import your email addresses and send to your friends on stumble upon.
8. Social Media it: You can leverage digg and other social sites like facebook and myspace to drive traffic to videos.
With the tools and tips I have listed out you will absolutely see success with your video marketing campaigns.
Good luck and I will see you all next time for the next in our series on video marketing - global countdown!
What would you say if you no need to produce a video using camera? Just submit your article, some clicks and you get a video containing your article in th end. Then you put the article on YouTube. Sound great isn't it? You can get this magic software here.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Time Management – Which Advice To Follow?
- Prioritization
- “Do it now” – a preventive measure for procrastination
- “Do the things you fear the most” – also good against procrastination
- Scheduling
The Human Variables – Attention
- Focus your attention to get things done. It usually takes 20 minutes. After that you will start wandering.
- To improve your attention span – eat fish, vitamins and have steady sugar level
- Ensure yourself to not getting distracted
- Choose the right system (the basic time management) that is right for you.
- Manage distraction by reducing clutters.
Friday, May 15, 2009
How To Make Money From Funny Videos
You can easily make funny video websites, and then profit from them nicely. Many people have done it and are actually making their living off it. Here's how to make funny video websites and make money at it:
1. Getting a site.
The first thing to making a funny video website is choosing a good name. Have some fun trying to think up catchy names for your website. A catchy, unique and memorable name is key to not only getting traffic but maintaining traffic.
2. Getting the videos.
You can easily lift videos from other popular video sites. But there are also sites that allow you access to many of the popular funny videos which you can use. Many sites share with one another videos as well. So getting the videos to supply for your funny video website is relative easy.
3. Making the Money.
Making money off your site is going to consist of different forms income streams. From click on ad's, banner advertising, and actual products which you can sell on your site and receive heavy commissions from.
Start up accounts at Google and yahoo for click on ad's, and find internet products which will coincide with the type of videos you'll be showing. Many internet products will have programs for webmasters which you can sign up for and immediately start promoting products on your site. Once your site develops traffic, you can start to hit up larger business's for banner ad's which can pay very well. The combination of different income streams will bring in a steady income flow as long as your traffic is ramped up.
4. Putting your site together.
There are specific programs you can get for building sites. They will take the headache of "coding" away, and have you setting up your site quickly and fairly easily. A good "make video website" book or manual will show you exactly what needs to be done and provide inside access to sources which can make things thousands of times easier.
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Marketing Voodoo by Eben Pagan
Eben Pagan just posted a VERY special 21-page report that reveals what is probably the MOST important lesson about making serious income selling advice, coaching and "Information Products."
I call it "The Marketing Voodoo Report" - as close to "magic" as you can get in the world of selling information for premium prices.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Article: Pricing: What Does it Communicate About Your Business? - By Mary Townsend
There are three elements to consider when deciding on a pricing strategy:1. Don't fear pricing -- One of the worse things you can do when a customer queries a price is to start backing down or apologizing for it. Once you have decided on a price, being strong to stand by that decision will communicate confidence in your product or service.
Beware employees who believe your prices are too expensive. Their attitude will definitely influence your customers. Some may even say such things like "I know it's a bit expensive, but..." This is an absolute no, no! Usually, some simple training in presentation and why they should be proud of your prices is all that's needed to put this right.
When you and your employees take a pride in your pricing structure and start believing it's well deserved, it will start to influence your customers in all sorts of ways. Prospects will be attracted to that kind of certainty. Customers will be satisfied that they are getting real value for money.
2. Look beyond a customer's price query -- When a customer tells you a product or service is too expensive, don't believe it. Even if they do think the price is a bit high, it is more likely than not that there is another reason why they aren't buying.Much research has gone into this subject and shows that price is often used as an excuse to get out of making a purchase, when really it is more likely that the customer simply hasn't understood the offer. If this happens you need to consider that you may not have explained what it is you're selling well enough.
We know from consumers' past buying history that affordability, and therefore price, isn't the biggest influencer when it comes to buying decisions. The huge credit card industry stands testimony to the certainty that people will buy what they cannot afford.
Of course, there is a portion of the market that only buys on price. What portion of your business is influenced by this type of customer will depend on the business you're in. If 10 - 20% of your customers always want the cheapest available, you have to ask yourself if you really want them as customers. Personally, I'd steer well clear of them.
If you find such customers make up your core business, you need to think about re-structuring right away. These types of customers are always the hardest to deal with and will give you the least profit. You will end up paying them to use your services!
When someone challenges a price you need to go deeper. Have they understood your offer? Have you met their needs? Reinforce the benefits. When someone says no because the price is too high, they usually mean they cannot see the value.
3. Premium Pricing -- Selling expensive items to people for whom price is not an issue is one of the keys to entrepreneurial wealth. The fashion and motor industries are obvious examples. High end brands will keep their prices deliberately high so that only the wealthy can afford them.
We could break the figures down like this:
10 - 20% buy on price alone.
80 - 85% take price into account, but it's not the most crucial factor.
5 - 10% want the very best and are willing to pay any price to get it. More than that, they usually make their buying decisions based on what's the most expensive. They have a belief system that's grown out of a social conditioning that says -- expensive is best.
You are certain to come into contact with this 5 - 10% group at some stage. Are you ready to give them what they want? It is very likely that 5% of your present customer list would be willing to purchase something from you, right now, that's five times the price of your most expensive item!
Find a way to give your customers a choice. Perhaps you can re-structure your services or product range into Platinum, Gold and Silver or Deluxe, Standard, Economy. 1,000 customers will buy at $100 each, 50 (5% of 1,000) at $500 and 2-3 (5% of 50) at $2,500.
Statistics indicate that you are probably not charging enough for whatever it is you're selling anyway. Plan to structure your business to move towards that 5 - 10% of the population. Generally, these people are easier to target, better to do business with and will make a greater difference to the success of your business.
Article: Are You In Business or Enslaved to Self-Employment? - By Dan Boudreau
Many people start businesses simply to create jobs for themselves. Self-employment offers many benefits, not the least of which is the opportunity to develop basic business trade skills, while getting paid for work you love to do. Self-employment is everything some owners want, while others use it as a stepping stone to build sustainable, stand-alone businesses.
What's the difference between self-employment and being in business? Here are some signs that you are self-employed.
- You are the business. When customers think of your business they think of you, and they usually count on you to be one delivering the goods.
- You might be tied to a roller coaster, feast and famine schedule. You work long hours while contracts last and you're unemployed when they end. You are at the beck and call of your customers and dare not turn down any jobs because you never know when they might stop coming in.
- Your paycheck is tied to the amount of hours you personally spend serving customers. When you stop, the revenue stops; when you get tired the business stops.
- You spend all or most of your time working in the business, with no energy left over to work on the business.
- You likely don't have financial systems in place, probably do your own bookkeeping, and treat your accountant to the occasional shoebox bulging with receipts. You fly by the seat of your pants for the entire year before finding out if you've earned a profit.
Here are a few indicators that a business owner is moving beyond self-employment and on to building a business.
- The business is separate from the owner. Customers don't necessarily expect the owner to be on the front line. The business takes on more of a team approach, involving people who share the owner's vision, mission and values.
- The team will necessitate human resource responsibilities, systems and processes. Jobs have written descriptions and are staffed by the right people, instead of the other way around. The owner's job shifts from the front line to leading the team.
- Although the owner will probably still work a considerable number of hours, his paycheck is not limited to the number of billable hours worked.
- While the owner might still choose to work in the business, more time is invested in designing systems for efficiency and growth.
- The business has proper accounting and financial controls, with regular monthly financial statements and methods for tracking the flow of all monies in and out of the business.
About the Author:
Dan Boudreau is President and CEO of Macrolink Action Plan Inc and the RiskBuster Practical Business Planning Oasis at Writing your own business plan can be easy, fast and fun! Instantly download a free copy of Dan's popular fast-track business plan template when you subscribe to the RiskBuster Newsletter at
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Make Every Minute Count
Time management is the central skill of success. Your ability to manage your time, to focus and channel your energies on your highest value tasks, will determine your rewards and your level of accomplishment in life more than any other factor.
Save Hundreds of Hours and Thousands of Dollars in Personal Advancement
Your mind is your most precious asset. You must be continually working to increase the quality of your thinking. One of the best ways is to turn driving time into learning time. Listen to educational CDs or audio cassettes in your car. The average driver, according to the American Automobile Association, drives 12,000 to 25,000 miles each year, spending 500 to 1000 hours that you spend each year in your car. That is the equivalent of 12 1/2 to 25 forty-hour weeks. This is the same as two full university semesters spent behind the wheel of your car each year.
Use Traveling Time as Learning Time
If you did nothing but use that traveling time as learning time, this decision alone could make you one of the best educated people of your generation. Many people have gone from rags to riches simply by listening to audio programs as they drive to and from work.
Attend Every Seminar
In addition, for personal and professional development, you should attend every seminar you can. You can often save yourself 100's of hours of reading and researching by attending a seminar given by an authority in his or her field. You can learn ideas, techniques and methods that can save you hours, days, even months of hard work and research on your own.
Increase Your Earnings
Remember, to earn more, you must learn more. Your outer world of results will always correspond to your inner world of preparation. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.
Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do to put these ideas to work in your life immediately.
First, purchase an audio program that can help you to be happier and more effective today. Begin listening to it immediately. Resolve never to listen to music in your car when you can turn driving time into learning time.
Second, seek out seminars and training programs given by experts in your field. Sit close to the front, take careful notes, and apply the best ideas that you learn immediately.
Upgrade Your Time Management Skills Today With Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog! Training Kit!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bekerja dengan Ceria - Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsahj
". Bekerja lah dengan ceria agar menghasilkan produktiviti yang luar biasa yang akan menggembirakan orang di sekeliling kita. Semoga hasil itu akan mendapat keberkatan insyallah..."
Jadi renungi lah :-
1. Ada antara kita datang ke pejabat hanya memenuhi tanggung jawab 'DATANG BEKERJA' tapi ‘hampeh’, hasilnya macam kita 'TAK DATANG' kerja.
2. Ada kala kita rasa kita BUSY giler, rupanya kita hanya 'KELAM KABUT'.
3. Adakala kita rasa kita PERIHATIN', tapi rupanya kita BUSY BODY.
4. Adakala kita rasa kita ‘OPENMINDED’ and ‘OUTSPOKEN’ tapi rupanya kita KURANG PENG'AJAR'AN.
5. Adakala kita rasa kita berpemikiran KRITIS rupanya kita hanya lebih kepada KRITIK yang mencipta KRISIS.
6. Adakala kita rasa kita ingin menjadi LEBIH MESRA tapi rupanya kita di lihat lebih MENGADA.
7. Adakala kita suka bertanya 'KENAPA DIA NI MACAM TIDAK ADA KERJA', adalah lebih baik kita tanya 'APA LAGI KERJA YANG AKU BOLEH BUAT'.
Pejam mata dan renunglah diri, kalau kita perlu melakukan ANJAKAN PARADIGMA, maka lakukanlah segera, tapi manusia tetap manusia, sukar untuk berubah kerana kita selalu beranggapan kita lebih baik, adakah dengan merasakan itu kita sememangnya terbaik?.
Maka untuk itu, mari kita mula senyum, ceria, mesra sesama kita dan tingkat kerjasama dalam kerja, tidak rugi kita semai rasa 'kekeluargaan' dalam tugasan, kalau kita kurang kerja, carilah kerja dengan membantu teman-teman yang lain.
Tidak dapat gaji lebih pun tidak mengapa, sebab pahala dapat, kita ‘draw ’ di akhirat tetapi kalau kita asyik dengki mendengki, tanggunglah, sebab kita yang memilih jalan sukar itu.
Renungi lah, berapa orang kawan kita dan berapa orang lawan kita, nescaya ia menjadi kayu pengukur diri yang sebaiknya.- dipetik dari tips motivasi kerja
Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah. - Sumber
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Motivasi dan Rahsia Bisnes Mamak di Malaysia Hari Ini di TV3
Sebuah buku bacaan wajib bagi usahawan dan peniaga tempatan bagi mencipta pengaruh bisnes berpanjangan dan menguntungkan. Buku yang sesuai untuk segala jenis bisnes. Sebuah buku yang ditulis melalui kajian dua tahun kini mendedahkan tip-tip bisnes yang selama ini tidak diketahui ramai.
Rahsia bisnes dalam diam kini didedahkan
Kejayaan besar bisnes India Muslim sering dicemburui kerana kemampuan mereka menjadikan bisnes sebagai strategi menukar cara hidup pengguna. Apakah yang menyebabkan bisnes Mamak yang bergerak secara senyap dapat meninggalkan pesaing-pesaingnya jauh di belakang? Buku ini mendedahkan bagaimana bisnes Mamak diserap menjadi budaya yang diterima oleh masyarakat tempatan dan mencipta kesetiaan di kalangan pelanggan.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Bahaya Hutang (4/4) - Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Motivasi Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah perihal hutang, cara mengatasi dan doa2 lindungi dari beban hutang
Bahaya Hutang (3/4) - Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Motivasi Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah perihal hutang, cara mengatasi dan doa2 lindungi dari beban hutang
Bahaya Hutang (2/4) - Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Motivasi Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah perihal hutang, cara mengatasi dan doa2 lindungi dari beban hutang
Bahaya Hutang (1/4) - Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Motivasi Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah perihal hutang, cara mengatasi dan doa2 lindungi dari beban hutang