Youtube is the largest video sharing site to date, with the most traffic and the highest amount of users on it making Youtube the definitive place for getting your videos published and marketed on. I have put together a guide on Youtube marketing for videos and I think you all will get a lot out of this.
There are going to be a lot of tools Youtube has created for marketing your video. I will share them with you along with some other techniques we use.
- 1. On videos there is a share option. You can share by email address or with friends you have attached to your account. Remember the more friends you have the more people you can send to. Also you can leverage social media sites when you try to share as well.
2. Bulletin Boards: By posting a message this video will be displayed to all of your friends on your profile.
3. Invite to subscribe: This feature is available in your account once you request a friend invite.
4. Add friends: Adding friends is a powerful way to gain exposure on Youtube.
5. Make sure your video appeals to the community
6. Sharing videos with email: We like to go viral with our marketing campaigns for videos. Send videos out to your friends and family with a link to the video and an encouragement to share it.
7. Use Submit the video to and then import your email addresses and send to your friends on stumble upon.
8. Social Media it: You can leverage digg and other social sites like facebook and myspace to drive traffic to videos.
With the tools and tips I have listed out you will absolutely see success with your video marketing campaigns.
Good luck and I will see you all next time for the next in our series on video marketing - global countdown!
What would you say if you no need to produce a video using camera? Just submit your article, some clicks and you get a video containing your article in th end. Then you put the article on YouTube. Sound great isn't it? You can get this magic software here.